Tuesday, March 13, 2012

To Store or Not to Store?

Times are, well disrupted, to say the least. The weather swings from drought to flood. Then the news stories about jobs being sent to another shore flashes on the screen then off like a faulty neon sign. To much of that kind of story is not good for business. The next story up, is about storing food to survive a disaster. Now that is good for business, and maybe the supermarket will employee a few more people.

No, the supermarket will not need to employee a few more people, they just installed half a dozen automatic checkouts and I suspect the computerised machines were manufactured in one of those off shore destinations for jobs.

Droughts, floods, tsunami's! Yes all are in the disaster category and the Japanese did plan for a tsunami, they built a wall. The wave that came in was unfortunately larger than the best predictions on how big a wave could go, and it is unlikely any food cupboard in the area of the tsunami was packed up and moved. The thing is, I could go to a lot of effort in preparing for a disaster, its just that I have nagging thoughts that no matter how well prepared I am, something unexpected will undo my plans.

You see a question was asked in the middle of a flash flood event, by someone who had problem with their sewer system, it was backing up. Nasty. Messy. Inside their house and in their kitchen sink. They wanted to know what to do? The first think that came to my mind was to leave home, but I don't think that is what they were wanting to hear, and not knowing all that much about the sewer systems I confessed to not having an answer for them.

It sounds like a good idea to store food for a disaster, but and this is a priority for my comfort as much as my well-being, a working sewer system in a disaster is normally what you don't have and the something that you most need. Trying to disconnect from a sewer system to go self sufficient...oh my, the paperwork and disapproving administrators.

  If you can't live where the food is......I think I am just going to risk being a Lemming, enjoy life, now, be happy, stress less, because no matter how well you plan, you just can't plan for everything and it is what you don't plan for that happens.